Adult Baby’s Special Surprise Part 2
May 2, 2017
Ava’s Forced Diaper Fag
July 4, 2017After I am done changing I have you take your very full adult diaper up to the lady at the register and ask her where you can throw it away. She smiles at you and takes it from your hands and then I walk up behind you and take your hand and lead you by the bins that have all of the cute bears in all different ones. You reach into the one that has a rainbow spotted leopard and grab it is that the one you want princess? You nodded looking super happy so we take it over to get it stuffed and the lady says are you ready to bring your bear to life? You have a big smile on your face and you are in littlespace full on and just going threw all of the nice lady’s directions that she is giving you finally after you’re done she fills it up with cotton and you place a tiny red heart inside your bear and then she sews it up. Call me for some Abdl Phone Sex!
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